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Yacht Financing? YES Is The Answer

100% Yacht Purchase Financing
Optimal Terms and Conditions
Substantial Tax Incentives
The Ultimate Leveraged Investment
Wealth Preservation & Long Term Prosperity Strategy

YES Yacht Executive Solutions not only serves the long term interests of yacht owners, but their financial advisors and yacht brokers as well. 

YES Yachting provides substantially superior alternatives to the various forms of fractional yacht ownership being offered today.

Build the Yacht of Your Dreams in a way that is Net Worth Neutral

Yacht Entertainment Studios offers opportunities in film and television for yachts and yacht owners in which they may participate and profit.


Owning a yacht should have no adverse impact upon your net worth. Done properly, yacht ownership can be financially & personally rewarding.  

Are there any ways to help current yacht owners recover the investment from their existing yacht situations? YES


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At first impression 100% financing for the purchase of a yacht may sound too good to be true- or leave one wondering what the "catch is".  That is until one fully understands the advantages of YES Yacht Executive Solutions.


YES offers a superior alternative to conventional yacht purchase finance because we have a different perspective on yacht ownership. 


Traditionally, yacht buyers estimate the expected costs of yacht ownership and base their yacht purchase decision largely upon how much they can afford to lose.


Likewise, conventional providers of yacht purchase finance also expect yacht ownership to be a net loss for their clients so these financiers must look to other sources of repayment in addition to the yacht or any possible cash flows therefrom.


Prudence (and regulatory oversight) requires they limit their financings to their perceptions of the potential risk of loss.


Conventional wisdom is that a yacht owner should be prepared for a yacht to depreciate up to 10% a year - especially for new yachts - and then spend up to another 10% of the yacht's value each year on operational costs.  The general rule of thumb for the cost of the yachting lifestyle could be up to 20% of the yacht’s value per year including operations and depreciation- over five years would be 100% of the yacht purchase price.


A lucky yacht owner may be able to defray some of the costs through limited charter income, but that is usually of minimal benefit.  It is very rare for any charter operation to ever actually produce a profit or positive cash flow - and much less so predictably and consistently over several years.


Most yacht owners even if they could - don't really want to charter that much because of the added wear and tear on the yacht and higher maintenance expense and lower resale value.   Additionally, there can be some rather dubious and limited tax incentives that may or may not be available or even worth pursuing as they are often no more than an IRS audit trap.


Consequently, most sources of conventional yacht purchase finance limit their loan amounts to only 50 - 90% of the yacht's purchase price / collateral value depending on the yacht, the specific transaction, the buyer, and other assets and collateral that may be available to retire the debt.  This leaves the yacht buyer with having to make up the difference and usually pledging additional collateral and other assets.

YES is different.  With our alternative financing resources and proprietary strategies, we are not constrained by the limits and shortcomings of conventional providers of yacht purchase finance.   For example, one of the most elementary of strategies would be to simply finance our client's "down payment" which combined with the amount financed from the conventional lender produces 100% financing of the yacht purchase.


Our ability to provide proprietary programs and customized, comprehensive and coordinated solutions for the unique economic and financial objectives of each individual yacht owner – enables us to offer substantial long-term value to yacht owners - long after the enthusiasm of the initial yacht transaction has waned


We are not just transactional, but relationship oriented toward our client's long term prosperity.  Funding our client's yachting lifestyle is simply a "part" of a grander more comprehensive prosperity strategy.


With a merchant bankers’ perspective, we approach yacht investments more like a business turnaround situation, rather than like an extravagant lifestyle expense.  We take more of an investment banking philosophy when working with our clients and strategic partners. 


We don't consider yacht ownership a luxurious lifestyle purchase of a depreciating asset.  Rather our clients make alternative investments designed to earn a profit and positive cash flow.  These alternative investments are marine related yachting lifestyle assets.


Few if any other funding sources for yacht purchases can look exclusively to the yacht and the revenues derived therefrom for the retirement of the purchase debt.


A YES yachting lifestyle investment is designed to fully retire the debt and earn a profit.  Consequently, it should be - and is - much easier to attract acceptable funding for a profitable business endeavor than a money losing, depreciating asset, extravagant lifestyle expense as perceived by conventional funding sources.


Thus anyone considering buying a yacht, owes it to himself, his loved ones, and yes even his yacht broker to learn about YES, Net Worth Neutral yacht ownership and the many other strategies and options that may be available.


More money in your pocket now and in the future - means you can afford more boat!


How big of a yacht - how much of the yachting lifestyle would you like - if it could be fully financed?


And if it is financed, we also have strategies to reduce everyone's risk and assure financial success.


So the sooner we start helping you - the sooner you can get to YES and enjoy the yachting lifestyle with the yacht of your dreams. 


Please contact us to see if you qualify.

That if your current advisors  knew, surely they'd have told you already- wouldn't they?

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