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YES Is Yachting's Environmental Solution

Why do we say that for those seeking to save the planet by reducing net global carbon emissions, as quickly and efficiently as possible - YES may just be the answer?

First is the undisputed fact that wealth correlates to carbon emissions. The greater the wealth, the greater the energy consumed, the greater the carbon footprint. This is true for countries as well as individuals.

Second, it's well documented that contrary to popular belief, regardless of their tax advisors, between 50% - 99% of U.S. tax payers fail to take advantage of available beneficial tax code provisions. Including climate incentives.


Ironically, the wealthier one is, the more sophisticated their financial situation, the more of the tax code may be overlooked, falls through the cracks and the more they tend to unnecessarily overpay their taxes.


Third, if the environment is not a priority for their

tax advisors, it's unlikely the advisors will be as proficient or creative in advising their wealthy clients on climate solutions.

Fourth, and perhaps most importantly, current strategies have proven largely ineffective; ignoring human nature and political and economic realities.


The overwhelming consensus is that some of the loudest climate activists are also some of the world's wealthiest, most powerful politicians, famous celebrities and some of the biggest hypocrites and contributors to global green house gasses.

The Washington Post reports, THE WORLDS RICHEST NEED TO CUT THEIR CARBON FOOTPRINT BY A FACTOR OF 30 TO SLOW CLIMATE CHANGE, UN WARNS: "Currently, the emissions attributable to the richest 1 percent of the global population account for more than double of the poorest 50 percent. Shifting the balance, researchers found, will require swift and substantial lifestyle changes, including decrease in air travel, a rapid embrace of renewable energy and electric vehicles, and better public planning to encourage walking bicycling and public transit."


Regardless of how much of a climate crisis true believer they may be publicly, efforts to persuade most people to significantly change their lifestyles - give up their comfort and convenience, much less their boats, jets, excessive consumption etc. and reduce their carbon footprint to levels they profess is necessary for society to survive only exposes the corruption and  futility.


The climate hypocrisy to date is well documented. Actions certainly do speak louder than words. It's almost as if no one, not even the policy makers, really believe in a climate emergency.

​Comedian Bill Maher is correct. 


He's spot on when he declares that just asking people to "be good" when it comes to climate issues doesn't work and is borderline insane.


He astutely observes, "There are two kinds of people in the world; those that fly private, and those who would if they could."


Continuing to just ask the wealthy to "be good environmental stewards" isn't the answer.​

Conclusion. In order to mitigate the threat of potentially catastrophic global warming requires reducing net carbon emissions as quickly and efficiently as possible.


This requires targeting the greatest producers of carbon emissions - the wealthy.


However, current strategies have proven largely ineffective; ignoring human nature and political and economic realities.


Thus, new solutions and strategies are required. Fortunately, YES is uniquely positioned to educate and motivate the wealthy & their advisors about the often overlooked tax and economic benefits of reducing their net carbon footprint.

YES can help the wealthy chart a new course to successfully navigate the challenges of environmental stewardship and to really go green?

  • reduce taxes,

  • carbon footprints &

  • IRS audit risk by 50% & more

Now is a particularly good time for those that own corporate jets or just enjoy the benefits of flying private or charter planes to stay off the IRS radar.

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That if your current advisors  knew, surely they'd have told you already- wouldn't they?

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