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The Benefits of Benevolent Boating 



One hundred years from now,

It will not matter,

What kind of car I drove,

What kind of house I lived in,

How much I had in my bank,

Nor what my clothes looked like.

One hundred years from now,

The world may be ... a little better because...

I was important in the life of a child.

- Forest Whitcraft

Let's make it clear from the start, just so there are no misunderstandings.  We are NOT here to try to talk you into donating a used boat to charity.  But for anyone considering a yacht donation, we may be able to show you how to receive even greater rewards.


Conventional wisdom is not very good at helping yacht owners make money when they own a yacht and it is not very good when helping the yacht owner dispose of it either.  It seems like everyone prospers at the yacht owner's expense.


Donating a yacht is a very worthy practice and everyone involved in making those types of charitable donations and helping those charities deserve our thanks and gratitude.  


However, that segment is fairly well saturated already as there are many, many organizations, facilitators, and promoters of those types of yacht donationsOf course some are better than others and we can help you separate the wheat from the chafe


However, if that was all we brought to the table, we would have little that was unique to offer that segment of donors and charities.


While we can help facilitate those types of conventional yacht donations when and where appropriate to recognize maximum benefit, our special value is in providing customized and coordinated charitable programs specifically for the unique goals and objectives of each individual yacht owner


Thus, when discussing an individual's personal goals and objectives, in light of the many rewards of benevolent boating:


  • Tax

  • Financial

  • Social

  • Physical

  • Emotional

  • Spiritual


it’s difficult to know where to begin.


Many scientists postulate that as social animals we humans are hard-wired from birth with empathy and a desire to help others.


And apparently as adults, acts of charity can help spice up your "personal" life according to recently published research in BMC Evolutionary Biology.


  • Men and women find altruistic traits attractive in a long-term relationship

  • Women also find acts of charity physically desirable in a one-night stand


Other research confirms a biochemical explanation for the positive emotion associated with assisting others in need.


In one study using MRI scans, scientists were able to monitor in real time, the brains of participants while they made decisions about donating some of their research payment to charitable organizations.


When participants chose to donate, their brain’s mesolimbic system was activated. That’s the same part of the brain that’s stimulated in response to monetary rewards, love, food, and other positive stimuli.


Choosing to donate also activated the brain’s subgenual area. That’s the part of the brain that produces the feel-good chemicals, like oxytocin – a truly remarkable hormone that some have called the most amazing molecule on the planet and what really makes us human.


One observer calls it – “a love potion that is built right in”:


“Often referred to as the "love molecule", oxytocin is typically associated with helping couples establish a greater sense of attachment. Oxytocin, along with dopamine and norepinephrine, are believed to be highly critical in human pair-bonding. But not only that, it also increases the desire for couples to gaze at one another, can be a "mood" stimulus and even can enhance performance. When you're excited, oxytocin levels increase in your brain significantly — a primary factor for bringing about a satisfying conclusion. At which time the brain is flooded with oxytocin — a possible explanation for why (some) couples like to cuddle after.”


Furthermore, oxytocin has been shown to facilitate wound healing, in preventing obesity, as an anti-depressant, a stress reliever, and to improve digestion by reducing intestinal inflammation- and those are just some of the benefits science has identified thus far!


It seems that science has validated that it truly is in fact more blessed to give than to receive!


Likewise, in so keeping with those that are spiritually inclined; giving and benevolence are fundamental tenets of most major religions. In fact, in some faiths, not only do charity and good works influence one's immediate happiness, but they are essential to one’s salvation and upon which one will be judged after death and eternally rewarded or doomed accordingly.


He who gives to the poor will never want, But he who shuts his eyes will have many curses. Proverbs 28:27


But whosoever has the world’s goods, and beholds his brother in need and yet closes his heart against him, how does the love of God abide in such a man? 1 John 3:17


“He who is gracious to a poor man lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his good deed. Proverbs 19:17


Consequently, benevolence appears to provide the giver many rewards - in this world and the next.  Not only does giving make you feel good, it also appears to enhance one’s health and the health and well-being of society at large.


And it can also enhance one's wealth - if done properly- as part of a coordinated comprehensive wealth strategy.   For the more one gives to charity, the less one pays in taxes, the more one has to invest in more productive endeavors.


Many governments around the world encourage charitable giving to various degrees.  The more individuals do directly to help those in need through churches and charities, the lower the demand upon government resources.  That is one reason why many governments around the world encourage philanthropy by offering tax incentives.


The United States government is one of the most generous in this regard and provides many substantial tax and financial incentives to donors to facilitate and reward philanthropy. 


Yet with all of these benefits available, way too few  take full advantage of all of the opportunities.   Unfortunately, most yacht owners are probably in that same boat.


Most people - including many CPAs and other advisors - are creatures of habit, like the familiar, tend to resist change, and continue to overly rely upon the status quo and overlook the balance.


For the most recent year available, the IRS reports that less than 1/2 of 1% of the tax payers that made over $200,000 maximized all of their available deductions.


The reasons are many, and some are addressed in other areas of this this site.


Howeve,r that is one of the primary reasons we created YES: to help yacht owners achieve the maximum benefits from every aspect available to them of yacht ownership - including all of the rewards of benevolent boating.

That if your current advisors  knew, surely they'd have told you already- wouldn't they?

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