Because There Can Be More To The Good Life, A Higher Level, A More Abundant Life -
From Mere Wealth To Prosperity
Wealth preserving economic insights make living the best of the good life prudent wealth management
Crypto Loans? YES Is The Answer
Optimal Terms and Conditions include but are not limited to: ​
- Up to 100% Loan To Value
- Interest only- fixed or floating
- Lowest rates allowed by AFR
- Terms of 5, 10, up to 30 years
- Plus Substantial Tax Incentives

The Ultimate Leveraged Investment Wealth Preservation & Long Term Prosperity Strategy
At first impression, such terms as 100% financing for the purchase of cryptocurrencies may sound too good to be true- or leave one wondering what's the catch? That's until one fully understands the benefits and advantages of YES Yacht Executive Solutions.
There's no catch, but you do need to be a YES client. These types of crypto strategies are just an example of how we make the yachting lifestyle prudent wealth management.
YES can provide a superior alternative to conventional crypto finance because we have a different perspective.
Conventional crypto owners and lenders try to estimate the expected costs and potential risks and volatility of crypto finance and base their decision largely upon how much they can afford to lose- and how much they can extract from the borrower.
YES is able to consider any crypto loans as part of a total relationship. Thus our risk profile is superior.
Most conventional lenders are leery of crypto finance. Even the few specialty crypto lenders must be prudent and cautious.
Prudence (and regulatory oversight) requires they limit their financing to their perceptions of the potential risk of loss.
Conventional wisdom is that a potential crypto lender should be prepared for a cryptocurrency to depreciate up to 50% or more - especially for a short period of time.
Consequently, most sources of conventional crypto finance limit their loan amounts to only 50% of the crypto's market price / collateral value depending on the currency.
YES is different. With our alternative financing resources and proprietary strategies, we are not constrained by the limits and shortcomings of conventional providers of crypto finance.
Our ability to provide proprietary programs and customized, comprehensive and coordinated solutions for the unique economic and financial objectives of each individual yacht owner – enables us to offer substantial long-term value to crypto owners - long after the enthusiasm of the initial transaction has waned.
We are not just transactional, but relationship oriented toward our client's long term prosperity. Funding our client's crypto lifestyle is simply a "part" of a grander more comprehensive prosperity strategy.
With a merchant bankers’ perspective, we approach crypto and digital investments more like a business turnaround situation, rather than like an extravagant lifestyle expense. We take more of an investment banking philosophy when working with our clients and strategic partners.
We don't consider crypto ownership a luxurious lifestyle purchase of a speculative asset. Rather our clients make alternative investments designed to earn a profit and positive cash flow. These alternative investments are crypto lifestyle assets.
Few if any other funding sources for crypto loans and purchases can look beyond the crypto as collateral and the revenues derived therefrom for the retirement of the debt.
A YES lifestyle investment is designed to fully retire the debt and earn a profit - irrespective of the original crypto colateral. Consequently, it should be - and is - much easier to attract acceptable funding for a profitable loan than a money losing, speculative asset, extravagant lifestyle expense as perceived by most conventional funding sources.
Thus anyone considering buying crypto, owns crypto, or is considering a crypto backed loan, owes it to himself, his loved ones, to learn about YES and the many crypto and other strategies and options that may be available.
And if it is financed, we also have strategies to reduce everyone's risk and assure financial success.
So the sooner we start helping you - the sooner you can get to YES and enjoy the best of the crypto lifestyle.
Please contact us to see if you qualify.
That if your current advisors knew, surely they'd have told you already- wouldn't they?