Because There Can Be More To The Good Life, A Higher Level, A More Abundant Life -
From Mere Wealth To Prosperity
Wealth preserving economic insights make living the best of the good life prudent wealth management
Boat Notes
Boat Notes seeks to provide a little "water wisdom".
While we hope to become a trusted, impartial, and convenient resource for our yachting lifestyle partners, the information provided is especially designed for those that may not share your passion.
Whether it is a loved one or professional adviser, some important people in your life may not understand the the "why" of yacht ownership or the "value" of the yachting lifestyle.
Hopefully, we can make it more rewarding for everyone. Enjoy-
June 10, 2017
Many of us know that being around water makes us calmer and more creative. Science knows it, too: A recent study even showed that people who live near the ocean report feeling less stress and better health than those who don’t.
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That if your current advisors knew, surely they'd have told you already- wouldn't they?